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  4. Do Not Let Anything Burn
Preventing risks when storing lithium-ion batteries

Do Not Let Anything Burn

In addition to individual thermography cameras, our product portfolio also includes bespoke turnkey thermographic automation solutions. Based on a proven and tested building block system we are providing individually configured system solutions which are customised precisely to your requirements. One of these system solutions for object and warehouse monitoring is FIRE-SCAN.

InfraTec FIRE-SCAN: Do Not Let Anything Burn

Custom­ised and Turnkey System Solu­tions by InfraTec

InfraTec system solutions overview

Monitoring the Situation Closely with FIRE-SCAN

In the context of climate neutrality e-mobility and the storage of electric energy from renewable sources are important issues for today‘s and tomorrow‘s society.

High-capacity accumulators for electric energy, like the lithium-ion batteries prevalent today, occupy the crucial key position here. In addition to their significant role and numerous undeniable advantages the manufacture, transport, storage and also usage of lithium-ion batteries harbour many risks. Because these energy stores can sometimes react extremely sensitively to influences like temperature fluctuations, damage or vibrations the requirements for providing safety measures are very high, especially when this involves spatially concentrated larger quantities.

The thermography automation solution FIRE-SCAN for lithium-ion batteries is a reliable complement to other safety precautions. In continuous operation 24/7 it enables the automatic monitoring of temperature development at work places, storage areas or complete BESS (Battery Energy Storage Systems) and should therefore be an essential part of your risk management. The system consists of one or several high-performance infrared cameras and the associated software, reliably localises heat sources and measures their temperature gradation over time. If pre-established temperature threshold values are exceeded, FIRE-SCAN automatically triggers an alarm and thus enables the rapid launch of appropriate fire prevention measures.

InfraTec thermography - electronics li-ionen-battery, housing - Picture credits: © Studio Dagdagaz / Shutterstock.com

Further System Solutions in the Field of Observation & Investigation

InfraTec thermography - electronics li-ionen-battery - Picture credits: © Fishman64 / Shutterstock.com
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Fire Preven­tion – FIRE-SCAN for Li-Ion Batteries

Monitor assembly halls and storage facilities fully automatically 24/7 and detect critical heat sources reliably.

Thermographic Automation Solutions - Fire Prevention with FIRE-SCAN - Picture credits: © iStock.com / Im-Yeongsik
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Fire Preven­tion – FIRE-SCAN

Effectively secure your goods and appliances by integrating thermography into an automated early fire detection solution.

Early fire detection WASTE-SCAN with thermal imaging
Obser­va­tion & Invest­ig­a­tion

Waste Bunker Fire Monitoring – WASTE-SCAN

Effectively secure your goods and appliances by integrating thermography into an automated early fire detection solution.

Monitoring seaports with FIRE-SCAN - © iStock/Sean Pavone

Fire Preven­tion – FIRE-SCAN for Seaport Monit­oring

Thermal imaging cameras enable 24/7 monitoring and allow the reliable measurement of temperatures of vehicles, infrastructure buildings and equipment, as well as cargo and stored goods even over long distances.

What Does a System Solution Involve?

The core of every system solution is an InfraTec infrared camera with detector formats of up to (2,560× 2,048) IR pixels. In addition to the thermography camera the complete solution includes transmission and indicator units as well as industrial PC and software components. If the environmental conditions require it, ATEX certified protective housing and pan/tilt heads can also be used.

Who Are the System Solutions Suitable For?

Based on a proven and tested building block system there are various versions of the system solutions designed for industrial continuous operation for a wide variety of fields of application.

Industrial Automation by InfraTec - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / gerenme

Indus­trial Auto­ma­tion

With contactless temperature measurement you monitor temperature-critical processes efficiently and safely and control the quality of your products automatically.

Non Destructive Testing - Picture Credits: © RAM / Fotolia.com

Thermography for Non-destructive Testing (NDT)

In future, you will detect defects in materials and material combinations quickly and reliably by means of heat flow thermography.

Steel Production
Steel Produc­tion

Steel Produc­tion and Steel Processing

Thanks to state-of-the-art thermographic cameras you minimise production losses during production of high-grade steel even under adverse operating conditions.

Observation and Investigation - Picture Credits: © iStock.com / BrettCharlton

Obser­va­tion and Invest­ig­a­tion

Monitor buildings and open spaces with automated thermography solutions, for example, against unauthorised intrusion or for early fire detection.