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Press Releases of InfraTec

Read InfraTec press releases and get the latest news about our thermal imaging cameras, pyroelectric detectors and infrared technology.

  • InfraTec Online Event: Pyroelectric Detectors in Action / Picture credits: © iStock.com / Jag_cz
    Online Event: Pyroelectric Detectors in Action in June 2023
    Practical demonstration on setup and configuration of infrared detectors

    In theory, the functioning of a pyroelectric detector is absolutely comprehensible. But how exactly can users integrate their infrared detectors into their measuring solution themselves? Our experts answer this question in the upcoming online event "Pyroelectric Detectors in Action".

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  • Press relese catalog sensor division
    Pyroelectric Detectors at a Glance in the Current Catalogue
    InfraTec introduces many product innovations in the current issue of the detector catalogue

    At its headquarters in Dresden, InfraTec develops and manufactures infrared pyroelectric detectors. Due to the modular design concept of the detectors with approximately 50 standard types, users always get the right solution – optimised for their specific field of application. To provide a complete overview of known and new sensor products, InfraTec has updated the detector catalogue.

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  • InfraTec Online Event: Pyroelectric Detectors in Action / Picture credits: © iStock.com / Jag_cz
    Online Event: Pyroelectric Detectors in Action in April 2023
    Practical demonstration on setup and configuration of infrared detectors

    In theory, the functioning of a pyroelectric detector is absolutely comprehensible. But how exactly can users integrate their infrared detectors into their measuring solution themselves? Learn more in the online event.

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  • InfraTec press release infrared detector LRM-292
    Nothing Goes Undetected with the LRM-292
    The innovative PYROMID® series from InfraTec is getting a "small" addition

    With the LRM-292 pyroelectric detector in a TO46 housing, InfraTec offers the world's smallest multi-channel detector with integrated operational amplifier and thermal compensation.

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  • The digital compensated 2-channel detector in the TO39 housing: LID-2322
    InfraTec’s New Digital Detector
    Two channels in the TO39 housing with digital interface – for easy integration and precise measurements.

    Analogue pyroelectric detectors from InfraTec have been used in a number of different customer applications for over 30 years. These have now been joined by a new range of digital pyroelectric detectors.

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