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Research and Development Conference on Thermal Imaging in Dresden
2014-09-05| Thermography
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2014 Thermography "Research & Development" Conference in Dresden

Expert Presentations, Technical Demonstrations and Live Discussions

On 17th of September 2014, thermography professionals from across the industry, in research, automation and other interested parties will once again have the unique opportunity to learn more about thermography in their specific fields.

Due to the tremendous interest in our Thermography "Research & Development" Conference in past years, this hugely successful event will once again take place at our Dresden headquarters in 2014. Again this year, experts from various industry sectors will present the latest developments and applications for thermography.

These presentations will give insights into the methodology of experienced users and enable participants to be able to better assess the potential of thermography for their respective tasks. Using the latest infrared camera technology and most sophisticated new developments from InfraTec, the limits of possibility will be tested. We will include fields of thermography application that have never before been possible, or have only been possible in very limited ways. In the accompanying "experience thermography live" exhibition, the newest models and features of our high-end camera series VarioCAM® High Definition and ImageIR® by InfraTec will also be presented.

17th September 2014

InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
Gostritzer Strasse 61 – 63, 01217 Dresden

Please note: Thermography "Research & Development" Conference only takes place in Germany. For more information, visit the following website:
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