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Press Releases of InfraTec

Read InfraTec press releases and get the latest news about our thermal imaging cameras, pyroelectric detectors and infrared technology.

  • Infrared camera series ImageIR® 9400 from InfraTec
    Versatile and Extremely Powerful
    Full of Technical Innovations: ImageIR® 9400 from InfraTec - the All-round Talent among High-end Thermography Systems

    Measurement and testing tasks that use infrared cameras often differ enormously. So what could be better than being able to use a camera that is exactly tailored to the specific application? Quite clearly, a camera that can solve very different tasks at the highest possible level.

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  • InfraTec Uni Bayreuth - Analysis of the Thermal Conductivity
    Case Study: Analysis of the Thermal Conductivity in Nano- and Mesostructured Polymer Systems
    Lock-in Thermography with Infrared Camera VarioCAM® HD research 800

    New materials with precisely controlled optical and thermal transport characteristics can make a large contribution to resource-saving thermal management. Scientists of the University of Bayreuth are pursuing this vision.

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  • PYROMID® multi channel detector LRM-274 from InfraTec
    More Performance, Less Power
    The LRM-274 from InfraTec is ideal for integration into flame sensor measurement instruments

    When organic substances such as wood, natural gas, petrol and various plastics are catching fire, spectral radiation of typical wavelengths is emitted. As a specialist in flame detection technology, InfraTec is expanding its range of specialized detectors that detect radiation in precisely this area. The new miniaturized multi channel detector LRM-274 is characterized by the fact that as a low-power detector it requires only one unipolar supply voltage.

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  • Inline Process Control for Quality Assurance of Weld Seams - TU Ilmenau
    Case Study: Inline Process Control for Quality Assurance of Weld Seams
    Inline Process Control for Quality Assurance of Weld Seams with Infrared Camera VarioCAM® HD head 800

    Miscellaneous welding tasks in steel constructions currently have a low degree of automation, resulting in a high amount of manual work and employee-dependent quality levels. As part of the 3dStahl collaborative project, a 6-axis robot, equipped with a welding machine, was attached upside down to a wall-to-wall wire rope hoist kinematics system in order to automate joining processes involving small quantities or even individual parts such as large-scale objects (lock gates, bridges). Fast 3D sensor technology provides three-dimensional data for defining the welding area. This data is used to position and track the welding robot. The continuous process quality assurance is achieved in parallel by means of an infrared camera and a multi-spectral camera system.

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  • Laser welding at Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. - Picture credits: © iStock.com / emituu
    Case Study: Thermography in CFRP Processing
    Thermography in CFRP processing at Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.using thermal camera ImageIR® 8300

    In 1960 when the first laser was announced there was no indication of how the field would develop and today there is almost no area of science and industry that remains untouched by lasers. New applications emerge almost daily demanding the development of even more sophisticated laser systems and one of the leading global research and development institutions for laser-based solutions and their implementation is Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH). Many of these new systems operate at very high laser intensity levels and consequently require close control of thermal processes. This is achieved by the use of infrared thermography which is both contact-less and provides imagery.

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