District heating is generally regarded as an extremely efficient and environmentally friendly form of energy supply. Based on industrial waste heat or renewable energy sources, it offers the possibility of heating water and thus supplying private, commercial and industrial customers. Prerequisite for this is an intact transport system. Only then energy reaches the consumers with minimal losses. This is precisely what Netze Duisburg GmbH is doing to control the city's entire district heating network supported by InfraTec infrared cameras.
This development is associated directly with an increasing demand to test the product reliability, functionality and life durability of wind turbine subsystems like the drive train.
Due to their flexibility, they serve as a key technology for implementing the goals of industry 4.0. Although laser cutting and welding are nowadays regarded as turnkey technologies, the majority of laser applications, for example joining of hybrid materials, 3D printing or ultra-short pulse processing, still require considerable research and development.
On 09 October 2019, interested parties and thermographers from science, industry and law-enforcement authorities took the unique opportunity to learn more about the possibilities of thermography in their specific fields.
A tremendous range of applications is typical for infrared thermography. The multitude of different tasks is synonymous with a high diversity of requirements that users have with modern infrared cameras. InfraTec meets this challenge with a completely new model of its high-end camera series ImageIR®. ImageIR® 9500 expands the company's range of thermography systems that are focused on the global market and are suitable for tests in the mid infrared range.