1. Thermal Imaging
  2. Applications

Applic­a­tions & Indus­tries

With more than 30 models, InfraTec offers a variety of infrared camera models for all application areas of thermal imaging. Please find your suitable infrared camera in the application areas, which are listed below.

InfraTec also expands its expertise in the field of thermography by participating in various research projects. Our partners are both national and international scientific institutions and companies from a wide range of industries.

Application areas of thermal imaging
Industries of thermal imaging

Montage of visual and thermal images of dresdner zwinger - Créditos de la foto: © Maik W / fotocommunity.de


thermal imaging in electronics

Elec­tronics & Elec­trical Engin­eering

Measure temperature distributions of smallest electronic components with infrared cameras.

high-speed thermography

High-Speed Ther­mo­graphy

Get even faster and analyze temperatures at highest process speeds.



Micro-thermography allows for the thermal analysis of smallest structures in the micrometer range, providing a detailed representation of the temperature distribution on complex electronic assemblies.

additive manufacturing

Additive Manu­fac­turing

By in-line monitoring of thermal process parameters, infrared cameras from InfraTec support the optimisation of additive manufacturing processes.

laser applications

Laser Industry

High-end thermography in heat-generating laser applications in materials processing.

thermal imaging for material testing

Material Testing

Save time and costs by non-destructively testing components with infrared camera systems by InfraTec.

spectral ir thermography

Spec­tral Ther­mo­graphy

Using precision filters for specific applications you will measure exactly those spectral ranges being of interest to you.

InfraTec thermography for electromobility - Picture credits: © shutterstock / asharkyu


Lithium-ion batteries are a key component in the field of electromobility. In order to minimize risks, thermography is used in various areas.

Active Thermography - Picture Credits: © Rainer / Fotolia.com

Active Ther­mo­graphy

Make use of active thermography for non-destructive and contact-free material testing, for both automated inline and offline solutions.

InfraTec Bondung and Sealing - Hot gas

Bonding and Sealing

Users can utilise infrared cameras during bonding and sealing to monitor and control various technological parameters.

thermography for aerial photography

Aerial Ther­mo­graphy

Detect persons and objects in the field or monitor wide-area geologic properties or environmental damages.

Explosion of a firework

Explosion and Combustion Processes

Explosion and combustion processes are highly dynamic processes with large temperature changes that can be analyzed and optimized using high-performance thermography.

thermal imaging for thermal optimisation

Thermal Optim­isa­tion

Identify possible problems already in the development phase well before serial production.

thermal imaging for asset inspections

Plant Inspec­tion

Using infrared camera systems and thermographic software by InfraTec will make you more efficient and more productive.

thermal imaging to inspect electrical installations

Inspec­tion of Elec­trical Install­a­tions

Search electrical installations or high-voltage nets with infrared camera systems for dangerous hotspots.

thermal imaging for predictive maintenance

Inspec­tion of Mech­an­ical Assem­blies

Thermography reveals irregularities in heating of mechanical components in time.

thermal imaging to inspect phovoltaic installations

Photo­vol­taic Inspec­tion

Take advantage of thermography in order to visualise defects on existing and running photovoltaic installations.

Medicine - Thermography health measures - Picture credits: © Adobestock / annamoskvina

IR-based Detection of Elevated Body Temperature

Use InfraTec infrared cameras to effectively prevent infectious diseases from spreading further.

thermal imaging for security tasks

Security Applications

For observation tasks for applications - like investigation, remote surveillance, border guard and the protection of critical infrastructure - powerful infrared cameras are becoming increasingly indispensable today.

thermal imaging in electronics

Elec­tronics & Elec­trical Engin­eering

Measure temperature distributions of smallest electronic components with infrared cameras.

high-speed thermography

High-Speed Ther­mo­graphy

Get even faster and analyze temperatures at highest process speeds.



Micro-thermography allows for the thermal analysis of smallest structures in the micrometer range, providing a detailed representation of the temperature distribution on complex electronic assemblies.

additive manufacturing

Additive Manu­fac­turing

By in-line monitoring of thermal process parameters, infrared cameras from InfraTec support the optimisation of additive manufacturing processes.

laser applications

Laser Industry

High-end thermography in heat-generating laser applications in materials processing.

thermal imaging for material testing

Material Testing

Save time and costs by non-destructively testing components with infrared camera systems by InfraTec.

spectral ir thermography

Spec­tral Ther­mo­graphy

Using precision filters for specific applications you will measure exactly those spectral ranges being of interest to you.

InfraTec thermography for electromobility - Picture credits: © shutterstock / asharkyu


Lithium-ion batteries are a key component in the field of electromobility. In order to minimize risks, thermography is used in various areas.

Active Thermography - Picture Credits: © Rainer / Fotolia.com

Active Ther­mo­graphy

Make use of active thermography for non-destructive and contact-free material testing, for both automated inline and offline solutions.

InfraTec Bondung and Sealing - Hot gas

Bonding and Sealing

Users can utilise infrared cameras during bonding and sealing to monitor and control various technological parameters.

thermography for aerial photography

Aerial Ther­mo­graphy

Detect persons and objects in the field or monitor wide-area geologic properties or environmental damages.

Explosion of a firework

Explosion and Combustion Processes

Explosion and combustion processes are highly dynamic processes with large temperature changes that can be analyzed and optimized using high-performance thermography.

thermal imaging for thermal optimisation

Thermal Optim­isa­tion

Identify possible problems already in the development phase well before serial production.

thermal imaging for asset inspections

Plant Inspec­tion

Using infrared camera systems and thermographic software by InfraTec will make you more efficient and more productive.

thermal imaging to inspect electrical installations

Inspec­tion of Elec­trical Install­a­tions

Search electrical installations or high-voltage nets with infrared camera systems for dangerous hotspots.

thermal imaging for predictive maintenance

Inspec­tion of Mech­an­ical Assem­blies

Thermography reveals irregularities in heating of mechanical components in time.

thermal imaging to inspect phovoltaic installations

Photo­vol­taic Inspec­tion

Take advantage of thermography in order to visualise defects on existing and running photovoltaic installations.

Medicine - Thermography health measures - Picture credits: © Adobestock / annamoskvina

IR-based Detection of Elevated Body Temperature

Use InfraTec infrared cameras to effectively prevent infectious diseases from spreading further.

thermal imaging for security tasks

Security Applications

For observation tasks for applications - like investigation, remote surveillance, border guard and the protection of critical infrastructure - powerful infrared cameras are becoming increasingly indispensable today.


thermal imaging in electronics

Elec­tronics & Elec­trical Engin­eering

Measure temperature distributions of smallest electronic components with infrared cameras.

InfraTec: thermography in agriculture / Picture credits: © iStock-valio84s


Thermographic systems have a wide range of applications in agriculture and precision farming. Be it in plant cultivation, plant research or animal husbandry.

thermal imaging for automotive applications

Auto­motive Industry

Infrared camera systems help you to secure a high product quality in production and at your suppliers.

thermal imaging in aviation

Aerospace Industry

Comply with highest security demands by applying state-of-the-art infrared camera systems.

InfraTec | Thermography in Casting, molten metal - Picture credits: @ iStock / Warut1

Metal­ Industry

Achieving continuous improvement in process reliability and productivity is a top priority in the metal industry and can be supported by thermography.

thermal imaging in chemical industry

Chem­ical Industry

Systematically control reactive process heat and display with infrared camera systems of InfraTec.

thermal imaging in plastic industry

Plastics Industry

Cost-efficiently control die-casting and extrusion processes by means of infrared camera systems.

thermal imaging in glass industry

Glass Industry

Measure correctly temperature distributions behind and on glass by using selected spectral filters.

thermal imaging for environmental studies

Envir­on­mental Studies

Look for smallest temperature differences in landscapes, biotopes and labs using infrared camera models of highest measurement precision.

Thermography for Veterinary Medicine


Infrared camera systems help you to efficiently diagnose multiple illnesses with high certainty.

thermal imaging in electronics

Elec­tronics & Elec­trical Engin­eering

Measure temperature distributions of smallest electronic components with infrared cameras.

InfraTec: thermography in agriculture / Picture credits: © iStock-valio84s


Thermographic systems have a wide range of applications in agriculture and precision farming. Be it in plant cultivation, plant research or animal husbandry.

thermal imaging for automotive applications

Auto­motive Industry

Infrared camera systems help you to secure a high product quality in production and at your suppliers.

thermal imaging in aviation

Aerospace Industry

Comply with highest security demands by applying state-of-the-art infrared camera systems.

InfraTec | Thermography in Casting, molten metal - Picture credits: @ iStock / Warut1

Metal­ Industry

Achieving continuous improvement in process reliability and productivity is a top priority in the metal industry and can be supported by thermography.

thermal imaging in chemical industry

Chem­ical Industry

Systematically control reactive process heat and display with infrared camera systems of InfraTec.

thermal imaging in plastic industry

Plastics Industry

Cost-efficiently control die-casting and extrusion processes by means of infrared camera systems.

thermal imaging in glass industry

Glass Industry

Measure correctly temperature distributions behind and on glass by using selected spectral filters.

thermal imaging for environmental studies

Envir­on­mental Studies

Look for smallest temperature differences in landscapes, biotopes and labs using infrared camera models of highest measurement precision.

Thermography for Veterinary Medicine


Infrared camera systems help you to efficiently diagnose multiple illnesses with high certainty.

State­ments of our Customers


In day by day business it is nice to have partners who reliably stand by your side.

For more than 14 years now, InfraTec Dresden and Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH have been linked by a stable and very successful partnership for both sides, in which projects are successfully implemented in a customer-oriented way and with attention to detail.

On behalf of Quality Assurance Joining Technology, we would like to congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of your company and we wish you all the best to get further success with courage, foresight, vision and health.

Ralf Albrecht, Head of QA, Joining Technology Body Shop, Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH

Vorwerk has been using a VarioCAM® HD 700 with the IRBIS® 3 analysis software for several years in the development of our high-quality household products - especially the Thermomix. The imaging temperature measurement in combination with the wide range of analysis options support us in better understanding and being able to map thermal processes. In this way, we are able to make the cooking experience for our customers even more user-friendly and further optimize it. We particularly appreciate the collaboration and professional exchange with our partner InfraTec. In order to optimally meet our premium demands on our development and our products in the future, we will continue to rely on the use of thermography.

Dr. Michael Sickert, Head of Serial Support Thermomix and Kobold, Vorwerk SE & Co. KG

The Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ) looks back on many years of intensive cooperation with InfraTec GmbH. In a multitude of scientific and industrial projects, BIMAQ has found a trustworthy and reliable partner in InfraTec GmbH. Especially the powerful thermographic systems of the ImageIR® series enable worldwide novel insights into the real flow behavior of wind turbines at the physical limits of what can be measured. With these insights, a social contribution to climate protection and the provision of clean energy is made. The BIMAQ congratulates InfraTec Gmbh on its long-term success and 30 years of company history and looks forward to further successful cooperation in the future.

As a former student InfraTec employee, who was able to learn a lot and at the same time experience the 10th company anniversary from the first row, I also personally congratulate very cordially!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Fischer, Bremen Institute for Metrology, Automation and Quality Science (BIMAQ)

Together with my colleagues, I can look back on many, many years of constructive cooperation with InfraTec – be it in temperature determination in machine tools, materials testing or thermal joining. To be successful in the market for three decades is an outstanding achievement and speaks for quality. We congratulate on the anniversary and are glad to know that InfraTec will continue to be a reliable partner at our side.

Dr.-Ing. Roland Müller, Sheet metal working and basics department, Fraunhofer Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU

InfraTec is a reliable and always supportive partner when it comes to industrial thermography. Whether hardware or software, InfraTec offers comprehensive solutions for our measurement tasks and provides direct assistance in solving various problems. Training courses in Dresden very clearly convey the function and interaction of hardware and software. These are highly recommended.

Uwe Tauber, Manufacturing Process Supervisor USW 3500 / SMT-OPRH1, Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH

Time flies so fast! We would like to congratulate you on the company's anniversary and take this opportunity to thank you for the good cooperation over the past decades. We have been working with InfraTec for over 20 years and thus have been able to take advantage of the continuous progress in thermography. Be it in the area of process control in manufacturing or in the development of brake pads. Today, inline thermography in particular provides us with innovative possibilities in our daily NVH work. We are looking forward to the next innovations!

Thomas Haite, Specialist NVH, TMD Friction Holdings GmbH

As the operator of the second largest waste-to-energy plant in Bavaria and ultimately responsible for waste disposal safety in the entire eastern Bavarian region, it was eminently important for us to use a future-proof and, above all, reliable technology for automated fire and temperature detection to monitor the waste bunker, which represents our largest fire load.

We have not regretted our decision to work with InfraTec from Dresden. We would especially like to emphasize the flexible, uncomplicated and at any time accommodating cooperation, especially when it comes to scheduling and remedying defects, as this is unfortunately the exception rather than the rule in business relationships nowadays.

In this respect, we would like to congratulate InfraTec on its anniversary, wish it continued good business development and that the company philosophy of good, cooperative collaboration with customers continues to be cultivated in the same way as before.

Konrad Rieger, Technical Manager, Operations Manager Waste-to-Energy Plant, Zweckverband Müllverwertung Schwandorf

The Climate Change and its impact on the Earth's environment is undeniable. Resulting draughts, prolonged and harsher winters and Urban Heat Islands are taking their toll on our quality of life, our health and condition of flora around us. MGGP Aero with help of multiple InfraTec's thermal imagers, is monitoring these changes from the air, delivering top quality aerial thermal imaging to Polish cities, district heating companies, National Parks and forest managers. Thanks to the speed, resolution and reliability of ImageIR® 9400, we have mapped over 2,500 km2 in past 2 years, providing valuable information about surface temperatures and their analyses, allowing decision makers to focus their actions in the right spot.

Karol Krajewski, Research & development specialist, MGGP Aero Sp. z o.o.

As a satisfied customer and project partner, Deutsche WindGuard Engineering GmbH congratulates on your company’s 30th anniversary. We thank InfraTec for the competent support in our daily operations and the excellent cooperation in research projects like PreciWind. For many years we have been using hardware and software from InfraTec for thermographic flow visualisation and analysis. In our aeroacoustically optimised large wind tunnel Bremerhaven (DWAA), for example, two VarioCAM® HDx head 615 accompany daily operations in thermographic flow visualization primarily of lift profiles from wind energy and aviation. For aerodynamic measurement of wind turbine rotor blades in operation, Deutsche WindGuard uses an ImageIR® 8800 in cooperation with BIMAQ (Bremen Institute for Measurement and Automation).

Nicholas Balaresque, Managing Director, Deutsche WindGuard Engineering GmbH

Visit our Ther­mo­graphy Events

Material testing, stress test with thermal cameras from InfraTec - Picture credits: © iStock / kimtaro

Effi­cient Material Testing – Non-destructive and Contact­less

You would like to know more about the advantages of thermography for thermo-elastic stress analysis? Then join the free InfraTec online event "Efficient Material Testing – Non-destructive and Contactless".

InfraTec Webinar: Micro-Thermography: Contactless Temperature Measurement in the Micrometer Scale

Micro-Ther­mo­graphy: Contact­less Temper­ature Meas­ure­ment in the Micro­meter Scale

Thermal optimisation of the assembly process and components is a central issue in the development of new products. The temperature distribution of energised PCBs and individual components can be analysed very well by using powerful thermal imaging systems, while hotspots can be tracked in the image area at the same time. Learn more about micro-thermography as a contactless temperature measurement in the micrometer scale.

InfraTec Webinar: Optimising Additive Manufacturing Technologies Using Thermography - Picture credits: © iStock.com / nordroden

Optim­ising Additive Manu­fac­turing Tech­no­lo­gies Using Ther­mo­graphy

Additive manufacturing has become a standard technology already. But with the demand for increasing resistance of the manufactured parts and the focus on metals, there are still some challenges additive manufacturing faces. Thermography as contactless measuring solution contributes to meet them.

InfraTec Trade Shows & Conferences - Trade Show Booth

Meet us at the Following Trade Shows

Experience the high measurement quality of our products on-site at our trade show booth. We cordially invite you to be our guest at the following trade shows.

Contact to thermography division of InfraTec

Would You Like to Know More?

It is not unusual for tasks to be associated with special requirements. Discuss your specific application needs with our specialists, receive further technical information or learn more about our additional services.

United Kingdom & Irland
InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und MesstechnikGostritzer Straße 61 - 6301217 DresdenGERMANY

Choose Your Infrared Camera

Choose from more than 30 infrared camera models. Our product range includes includes compact and system cameras, high-end systems as well as zoom cameras and OEM solutions.

Camera filter for infrared cameras