The ImageIR® 6300, as an extension of the ImageIR® series, offers entry into the class of infrared cameras with cooled photon detectors and provides users with enormous performance advantages at a very good price/performance ratio. Due to the latest SWaP detector technology and a robust, very compact construction, this camera is predestined for demanding OEM and continuous operation applications.
Pixel pitch of 10 µm
Predestined for demanding OEM and continuous operation applications
Wide range of different interchangeable camera lenses available
Easy and economical installation in harsh process environments
Large detector enables highest sensitivity
Analysis of extreme temperature changes and gradients in full frame
Control via web interface
Precise detection of smallest temperature differences
High-speed Mode: Increase frame rates up to 620 Hz and thermal resolution at the same time using binning technology
Enables the maintenance-free use over long operating times
The radiometrically calibrated system camera ImageIR® 6300 is equipped with a cooled focal plane array photon detector of the latest generation. By combining the detector format of (640 × 512) IR pixels with the very small pixel pitch of 10 µm, the camera delivers razor-sharp images. Due to its snapshot mode, moving objects can also be displayed without distortion. The innovative XBn detector technology allows the detector to be operated at a significantly higher working temperature than the usual approximately 80 K.
Its pixel pitch of only 10 µm gives the system camera a comparatively small pixel size. This allows for a compact optical design while maintaining high image quality. In combination with radiometric calibration, most precise measurement results can be achieved. With an optionally available integrated solid state drive (SSD), large amounts of data can be stored directly on the camera.
Als das erste Modell der ImageIR®-Serie mit einem integrierten Betriebssystem eröffnen sich mit dieser Kamera vielfältige neue Funktionen, wie z. B. der vollständig autonome Betrieb der Kamera ohne zusätzlichen Steuer-PC. So kann die Kamerasteuerung beispielsweise über ein Web-Interface per Smartphone oder Tablet erfolgen. Zusätzlich können Anwender eigene Software direkt auf der Kamera ausführen und über das integrierte SDK unmittelbar auf den Datenstrom zugreifen. Zusammen mit der Möglichkeit der Stromversorgung über einen Weitbereichseingang (9 - 36 V) oder Power over Ethernet (PoE) vereinfachen diese Features den Einsatz der Wärmebildkamera, insbesondere für anlagenintegrierte Anwendungen und an schwer zugänglichen Orten, erheblich.
Mit dem High-Speed-Modus bietet auch die ImageIR® 6300, wie einige andere Modelle der ImageIR®-Serie, die Option, zwischen zwei Geschwindigkeitsmodi zu wählen. Im Normal-Modus erreicht die Kamera Vollbildraten bis 180 Hz. Die Binning-Funktion kann die Bildrate um mehr als das Dreifache auf bis zu 620 Hz steigern. Möglich wird dies, indem vier Detektorpixel zu einem einzelnen zusammengefasst werden. Dadurch werden die kürzeren Integrationszeiten durch die Erhöhung der empfindlichen Pixelfläche kompensiert und das Auslesen der Pixeldaten beschleunigt. Gleichzeitig verbessert sich im High-Speed-Modus die thermische Auflösung um den Faktor 2. Noch höhere Bildraten lassen sich durch das Reduzieren des Bildfelds auf frei wählbare Subframes erreichen.
Spectral range | (3.7 … 4.15) µm |
Pitch | 10 µm |
Detector | xBn |
Detector format (IR pixels) | (640 x 512) |
Image recording principle | Snapshot |
Readout mode | ITR / IWR |
Aperture ratio | f/3.6 |
Detector cooling | Stirling cooler |
Temperature measuring range | (-10 ... 600) °C |
Measurement accuracy | ± 2 °C or ± 2 % |
Temperature resolution at 30 °C | Better than 0.03 K / 0.02 K in high-speed mode |
Frame rate | Up to 180/344/619/2.760 Hz / High-speed mode: 620/1030/1500/2150 |
Window mode | Yes |
* Depending on model
** In selected measurement ranges
The software family IRBIS® 3, which was developed by InfraTec, is part of a complete system of the camera series ImageIR®. The comfortable and professional thermography software IRBIS® 3 professional offers a wide range of analysis- and editing tools to analyse sophisticated thermal investigations. The combination of ImageIR® together with the professional thermographic software meets all requirements that are set as standard for efficient high-performance tools for thermographic investigations.
Our experienced service team will be happy to assist you.
Thanks to the wide range of different interchangeable camera lenses available (12 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm (with an optional 300 mm close-up), 1x microscope), the ImageIR® 6300 can be optimally configured for a wide range of applications, from inline inspection to laboratory test stations. Within this camera series, the ImageIR® 6300 Z is available with a standard integrated 7.5x zoom lens and optional teleextender.
Each measurement or testing task has its own characteristic basic conditions. For getting optimal results camera, detector and lens have to be perfectly matched to one another. The field of view calculator helps you to determine the appropriate combination.
Choose from more than 30 infrared camera models. Our product range includes includes compact and system cameras, high-end systems as well as zoom cameras and OEM solutions.