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  2. Events
  3. Online Event: Laser Technologies

Laser Technologies Benefiting from Infrared Thermography

The characteristics of laser radiation results in numerous most different areas of use, making laser applications nowadays essential in industry, science and medicine. The possible fields of application for thermography are just as diverse.

InfraTec Webinar: Optimising Additive Manufacturing Technologies Using Thermography - Picture credits: © iStock.com / nordroden

Current Appointments

New appointments will be coming soon.

Laser Technologies Benefiting from Infrared Thermography

Thermography is used in laser applications when they involve the introduction of heat and permanent monitoring and control of thermal development is essential. The right combination of thermography and laser plays a key role here, as it leads to optimisation and therefore better results in many areas. 

In our online event Laser Technologies Benefiting from Infrared Thermography, you can find out what you should consider when using thermography and which requirements the thermographic cameras must fulfil for the respective laser applications.

A Glance at the Event

  • General information about infrared thermography and InfraTec

  • Overview of laser applications and types

  • Fields of application for thermography in laser technologies

  • Technical requirements for thermographic cameras, software and accessories for successful implementation in in laser technologies

Technical Lecture from Thermography Practice

We are pleased to announce a technical lecture from thermography practice:

Topic: “Lasers: A Versatile Heat Source for Modern Active Thermographic Testing”

Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Julien Lecompagnon, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)

Further Ther­mo­graphy Online Events from InfraTec

InfraTec Webinar: Applications for Thermal Imaging on Wind Power Systems - Picture credits: © visdia / Fotolia
Online Event
Appli­ca­tions for Thermal Imaging on Wind Power Systems
2025-03-19 | 09:00 GMT - 11:00 GMTVirtual

The generation of electricity by wind turbines is expanding worldwide. This development is associated with an increasing demand to test the reliability, functionality and life durability of wind turbines and all related subsystems, like the blades.

InfraTec Webinar Thermography Compact
Online Event
Thermography Compact – Enter the World of Infrared Technology
2025-03-26 | 13:00 GMT - 16:00 GMTVirtual

InfraTec's online events give you the opportunity to learn more about the possibilities of thermography in your demanding field of activity in a concentrated form. Meet colleagues for professional exchange and get to know innovative product news as well as system solutions from InfraTec.

Training Thermography Software IRBIS® 3
2025-04-08 | 09:00 BST - 14:30 BSTVirtual

The training provides you with specific knowledge on the efficient use of the IRBIS® 3 thermographic evaluation software from InfraTec.

InfraTec Webinar: Applications for Thermal Imaging on Wind Power Systems - Picture credits: © visdia / Fotolia
Online Event
Appli­ca­tions for Thermal Imaging on Wind Power Systems
2025-03-19 | 09:00 GMT - 11:00 GMTVirtual

The generation of electricity by wind turbines is expanding worldwide. This development is associated with an increasing demand to test the reliability, functionality and life durability of wind turbines and all related subsystems, like the blades.

InfraTec Webinar Thermography Compact
Online Event
Thermography Compact – Enter the World of Infrared Technology
2025-03-26 | 13:00 GMT - 16:00 GMTVirtual

InfraTec's online events give you the opportunity to learn more about the possibilities of thermography in your demanding field of activity in a concentrated form. Meet colleagues for professional exchange and get to know innovative product news as well as system solutions from InfraTec.

Training Thermography Software IRBIS® 3
2025-04-08 | 09:00 BST - 14:30 BSTVirtual

The training provides you with specific knowledge on the efficient use of the IRBIS® 3 thermographic evaluation software from InfraTec.

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